King’s Kids Christian Academy of Tampa is HIRING!

A woman and two children playing with colorful building blocks on the floor in a brightly lit room. the woman is assisting a young boy with his blocks, while another child plays nearby.

If you are interested in working with King’s Kids Christian Academy of Tampa, click the photo or here to view our job posting!

If you are ready to apply, proceed to the application form below! Be sure to complete all required fields before submitting the application.

King’s Kids Christian Academy Employment Application

If you have a passion for working with young children in a Christian environment, then King’s Kids Christian Academy could be the right fit for you!

Complete your application online and email it to Simply click the link, download and type directly onto the form. Or you can download a physical copy here.

A joyful young child and woman giving high-fives over a table scattered with colorful building blocks in a bright, playroom setting. both are smiling and appear engaged and happy.